Important considerations when buying a telescope
Excerpt from "Nightwatch"
Buying your first telescope
Scott McGillivray (RASC) on Global News "Spacetalk"
Astronomy meet-up, July 13, 2018 at Porteau Cove Lookout parking lot
(Time lapse)
What a great bunch of people and cool scopes too!
Links to other resources
Astronomy clubs and societies
Fraser Valley Astronomer's Society
Kamloops Astronomical Society
Merritt Astronomical Society
Mount Kobau Star Party
Nanaimo Astronomy Society
Royal Astronomy Society of Canada - Okanagan
Royal Astronomy Society of Canada - Prince George
Royal Astronomy Society of Canada - Sunshine Coast
Royal Astronomy Society of Canada - Vancouver
Royal Astronomy Society of Canada - Victoria
Free software
Stellarium - Planetarium software for your computer
Other useful websites
Astronomy Tools - calculators for FOV, magnification etc
Light pollution atlas
The Planets Today
Planets currently visible from your location (enter your city)
Moonrise & Moonset from your location (enter your city)
Astronomical forecast
meteoblue - astronomical seeing (enter your geographical coordinates)
Clear Dark Sky - astronomical forecast (various BC locations)